Thursday, February 13, 2025

Time For Tea

April 14, 2010 by  
Filed under Poetry

The two old friends in leather chairs reclined,

One each side of the fire, legs spread wide,
They spoke in turns, each remark not answered.
Friends for so long, they knew each other’s mind.

First bookend:’You awake? thought you were gone’
Second bookend:’ Not yet, just thinking about it’
Both knowing they were past their sell by date.
The Maid, Mini Skirted, Big Bosom, and Blond,
Brought in their tea, huskily exclaiming, ‘Cream Cakes today’

They both perked up, moustaches bristling,
Breath coming fast, and gently whistling.
After two cream cakes each, one remarked, ‘I wonder if I could’?
The other volunteered to help if he would,
So the last cream cake was cut into two.
After two cream cakes.

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