Friday, September 13, 2024

Poacher Bill, A Wheel Barrow and a Wedding.

April 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Prose

These things seem unconnected yet they sort of happened at about the same time, as always with Bill things sort of happened. Working in my garden one sunny afternoon the old Landrover chugged up, and with what sounded like a big sigh of relief the chugging stopped, and a cheery voice asked ” What you […]

Poacher Bill

April 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Prose

Old Bill a Cotswold man, born and bred to country ways, lived in a beautiful little hamlet, not far from Burford the gateway to the Cotswolds. He lived in a little cottage with a charming old world front garden, which his wife tended creating a glorious mix of brilliant coloured flowers. Bill’s domain was the […]

My Friend Tim

April 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Poetry

The advert said ‘Twenty five pounds to good home!’ We went to see – my wife adored you – we quickly bought you. The good home not mentioned, the money was. You followed us to the car, eagerly jumped in. Your eyes said it all, filled with love and trust, As you offered your paw […]