Saturday, November 9, 2024

The Weston Spirit

April 14, 2010 by  
Filed under Poetry

The Weston spirit, a heart of gold, a crinkled chip, Forged together in a granite block. Born from adversity, and untold misery. From the depths of despair to fulfillment of life. Bringing hope and purpose to all in need. We remember the scenes of the Ship on fire, The billowing smoke, the cries of the […]

A Poet And His Applewood Staff

April 5, 2010 by  
Filed under Poetry

The apple tree had served him well, With many springs of sweet scented blossom, And autumn harvests of tender fruit, Now victim of a winter’s storm, Stacked in logs to keep him warm. Yet one piece of that old tree, Would serve him many years more, Carefully selected, scraped and varnished, Cut to length now […]