The Thresher’s Lament
April 14, 2010 by A.R (David) Lewis
Filed under Poetry
Up the blutty ladder,
Start work on the Thresher,
My guts are all on fire,
Down the blutty ladder.
Crouch behind the shed.
Up the blutty ladder,
Start work once more.
Diawch! my old guts again.
Down the blutty ladder.
Crouch behind the shed!.
Once more up the ladder,
And start up once again,
My gut still on fire.
Down the blutty ladder
Don’t reach the shed.
I tell you, I tell you – up
And down the blutty ladder.
Down behind the shed!
There, I shit two farts,
And now, I fart one shit!.
NOTE: Best read in a Welsh accent. True story, happened in early 30’s. A publishing house chose this one out of a batch. I can’t think why!