Saturday, January 18, 2025

Party At The Ruined Castle

April 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Poetry

Skeleton walls, windows, archways,

Open to north winds treacherous blows,

Dark forbidding skies, beckon thunder,

A weak moon ccowers behing its cover.

Then athunderous clap of thunder crashes out,

Closely followed by a snaking lightening strike,

Lighting up the castles ruins,

As a black capped figure, with broom and cat,

With a cackling laugh she prepares to party,

On this Haloween night.

A wave of her hand, and the music starts,

With moaning shrieking winds through hollow skulls,

Unfleshed bones cavort, tapping out the rythym,

Hooting owls, and cawing ravens join the chorous.

Bodyless knights, ride headless horses,

Cavorting with Ghouls in satanic dance.

Just as the frenzy reaches its climax,

A shout “Cut, Lights” the scene revealed

A figure in riding breetches, cowboy hat, smiles,

States “A perfect take, well done everyone.”

But the steeple hatted, cloaked figure, with broomstck

had already left, Had she gone to feed her cat.???

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