Friday, September 13, 2024

A Boys Song

April 4, 2010 by  
Filed under Poetry

Where the river flows its slowest,
Where the sun shines its brightest.
It’s off with our clothes, quickly dive in.
Laughing, splashing, naked and free.
That’s how it was for Billy and me.

Teasing the girls, snatching kisses,
Ignoring their brothers, and sisters wishes,
Secret hugs, smiles, and crafty winks.
Then “Oh no! My brother, I must flee.”
That’s how it was with Billy and me.

The finger-pointing Generals call,
The Country needed the young men, all
So it’s hectic hugging, kissing goodbye,
Then into Khaki and over the sea.
That’s how it was for Billy and me.

In Flanders trenches we turned into men,
We never knew where, only when,
As the shells whined and exploded.
The smoke, the gas, we could not see.
That’s how it was for Billy and me.

Walking forward like men in a dream,
Towards the machine guns’ constant scream,
Obeying the order “start the attack”.
We died together, then our spirits flew free.
That’s how it was for Billy and me.

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