Lost Love
April 13, 2010 by A.R (David) Lewis
Filed under Poetry
Cold eyes — Tight lips. Telling me to go away from where I once lived in the warm glow of love. Now cast aside like plastic wrapping,the Chocolate eaten. That special smile once for me,now on another shines, And I am left to think what could, or might have been. But I will find another […]
Last Farewell
April 13, 2010 by A.R (David) Lewis
Filed under Poetry
When you left me for another I wept. My life, my living, was without meaning, I cried out in misery. What had I done? You were my Angel. I had placed you on a pedestal. So that’s what I will do I’ll build you a pedestal high In white marble, just like your skin, Reflecting […]
High Summer
April 13, 2010 by A.R (David) Lewis
Filed under Poetry
High summer, the days are long, nights brief, Cool quiet evenings seem longer than both. A time for lovers, the old and the young, To walk together, talk to each other, Be silent, engrossed in love, sealed by a kiss, All around them nature approves, blesses them both. Shadows lengthen, birds finish their even song, […]
Golden Days
April 13, 2010 by A.R (David) Lewis
Filed under Poetry
I remember all the golden days, Through teenage years loving ways, In wars destruction found a wife, A lover, friend for life. A lover, friend and wife, In war’s destruction found a life, Through teenage years loving ways, I remember all the golden days.
First Kiss By The River
April 13, 2010 by A.R (David) Lewis
Filed under Poetry
The river in shallows, murmured and chattered. In deep pools, sighing, swishing and swirling. The sun blazing down on great patches of gold, The Gorse bushes popping, their seed pods exploding; While the Broom gently swayed, wafting its perfume On the delicate touch of the breeze from the river. Nature itself could not have been […]